Explore The World

Science & Technology

20 leqtures in this category

Generative AI for the Modern Workplace (e.g. ChatGPT)

At this point, the integration of AI in the workplace seems inevitable as many professionals are using it daily. But are we using it safely without...
Rory Tol

Generative AI for the Modern Workplace (e.g. ChatGPT)

At this point, the integration of AI in the workplace seems inevitable as many professionals are using it daily. But are we using it safely without...
Rory Tol


How can such a tiny particle, which is not even alive, do so much harm? By understanding the nature of viruses and COVID-19 in particular, you will...
Christina Mergenthaler


How can such a tiny particle, which is not even alive, do so much harm? By understanding the nature of viruses and COVID-19 in particular, you will...
Christina Mergenthaler

Space Tourism & the Law

Most people may never have heard about something called ’space law’. Yet, given the increasing importance of space applications even in our everyda...
Frans von der Dunk

Space Tourism & the Law

Most people may never have heard about something called ’space law’. Yet, given the increasing importance of space applications even in our everyda...
Frans von der Dunk

The Truth about Lying

As a child you often tried to get away with a lie, but you didn't always succeed. Still, we gradually get better at lying, and many everyday lies n...
Glynis Bogaard

The Truth about Lying

As a child you often tried to get away with a lie, but you didn't always succeed. Still, we gradually get better at lying, and many everyday lies n...
Glynis Bogaard

The Next Nature

Every human on the planet is a crew member of Spaceship Earth. However, we need to re-invent the driving manual. At least if we want our species to...
Hendrik-Jan Grievink

The Next Nature

Every human on the planet is a crew member of Spaceship Earth. However, we need to re-invent the driving manual. At least if we want our species to...
Hendrik-Jan Grievink


Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are 'talk of the town'. Artists, investors, big brands, developers; they are all joining the rapidly developing NFT ecos...
Jan Scheele


Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are 'talk of the town'. Artists, investors, big brands, developers; they are all joining the rapidly developing NFT ecos...
Jan Scheele

Why Do We Have Sex?

Reproduction is fundamental to life on earth, and there is a huge diversity of how animals reproduce themselves. Have you ever wondered why humans ...
Judith Mank

Why Do We Have Sex?

Reproduction is fundamental to life on earth, and there is a huge diversity of how animals reproduce themselves. Have you ever wondered why humans ...
Judith Mank

Nutrition and Mental Health

Despite the advent of medications and other therapies over the last 50 years, the rates of mental illness have been on the rise rather than a decli...
Julia Rucklidge

Nutrition and Mental Health

Despite the advent of medications and other therapies over the last 50 years, the rates of mental illness have been on the rise rather than a decli...
Julia Rucklidge

Pseudoscience and Nutrition

Are superfoods real? Is intermittent fasting healthy? Should we eat more eggs? Is milk a healthy drink? Is breakfast the most important meal of the...
Liesbeth Smit

Pseudoscience and Nutrition

Are superfoods real? Is intermittent fasting healthy? Should we eat more eggs? Is milk a healthy drink? Is breakfast the most important meal of the...
Liesbeth Smit


Gamification is successfully used worldwide by companies and governments for training and marketing purposes, to stimulate innovation or change beh...
Manon Beurskens


Gamification is successfully used worldwide by companies and governments for training and marketing purposes, to stimulate innovation or change beh...
Manon Beurskens


Taking a computer hostage, remotely, with malicious software. By automating this prominent form of cybercrime, criminals would constantly break int...
Rolf van Wegberg


Taking a computer hostage, remotely, with malicious software. By automating this prominent form of cybercrime, criminals would constantly break int...
Rolf van Wegberg

Smart Cities

All of the evidence suggests we are in the opening years of a fourth industrial revolution. Changes in the way we live, work, and play are occurrin...
Jonathan Reichental

Smart Cities

All of the evidence suggests we are in the opening years of a fourth industrial revolution. Changes in the way we live, work, and play are occurrin...
Jonathan Reichental

Patterns of Technological Transformation

Finding certainty in uncertainty. Technology often seems unpredictable, but an understanding of the underlying patterns affecting its development a...
Michell Zappa

Patterns of Technological Transformation

Finding certainty in uncertainty. Technology often seems unpredictable, but an understanding of the underlying patterns affecting its development a...
Michell Zappa

China and the Social Credit System

What are the consequences of China’s rapid growth in technology? Western news media are full of panic stories about Huawei, the social credit syste...
Rogier Creemers

China and the Social Credit System

What are the consequences of China’s rapid growth in technology? Western news media are full of panic stories about Huawei, the social credit syste...
Rogier Creemers

Cryptocurrency Demystified

This interactive talk builds the context and shares insights on cryptocurrencies, which is one of the most exciting developments happening right no...
Jonathan Reichental

Cryptocurrency Demystified

This interactive talk builds the context and shares insights on cryptocurrencies, which is one of the most exciting developments happening right no...
Jonathan Reichental

Augmented Intelligence

The world changed on May 11, 1997 when chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov was defeated by IBM's Deep Blue supercomputer. A milestone in artificial in...
Michell Zappa

Augmented Intelligence

The world changed on May 11, 1997 when chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov was defeated by IBM's Deep Blue supercomputer. A milestone in artificial in...
Michell Zappa

Cybersecurity and Data Protection in China

In China as elsewhere in the world, cybersecurity and data protection have become major topics of concern as daily life continues to digitize. Over...
Rogier Creemers

Cybersecurity and Data Protection in China

In China as elsewhere in the world, cybersecurity and data protection have become major topics of concern as daily life continues to digitize. Over...
Rogier Creemers


Virtual worlds have been around for a while, but with the name change of the parent company from Facebook to “Meta” the concept of 'metaverse' got ...
Jan Scheele


Virtual worlds have been around for a while, but with the name change of the parent company from Facebook to “Meta” the concept of 'metaverse' got ...
Jan Scheele

Being Human In Times Of Exponential Technology

How do we remain human in times of exponential technology? What does it mean to be human in a world filled with advanced digital technology? How do...
Rens van der Vorst

Being Human In Times Of Exponential Technology

How do we remain human in times of exponential technology? What does it mean to be human in a world filled with advanced digital technology? How do...
Rens van der Vorst

Screen Addiction

In the 1970s we were massively addicted to cigarettes. Now again many people have a difficult relationship with an addictive product: the apps on o...
Rens van der Vorst

Screen Addiction

In the 1970s we were massively addicted to cigarettes. Now again many people have a difficult relationship with an addictive product: the apps on o...
Rens van der Vorst