Manon Beurskens
Timezone: -
About this speaker:

Manon Beurskens is a gamification expert, strategic creative thinker, and certified behavior changer. She enjoys a solid reputation as an expert in youth marketing and gamification, the application of game principles and techniques in a non-game-related context. Manon publishes on the online marketing platform, is a co-founder of the distinctive agency Monty Amsterdam, and gives workshops and in-company training courses in which you learn to motivate based on game thinking and techniques from the behavioral sciences.


Recording: No
45 min / 15 min
English, Dutch
Session rating:
( 4.1 / 5 )

About this leqture:

Gamification is successfully used worldwide by companies and governments for training and marketing purposes, to stimulate innovation or change behaviour. The British gamification agency Growth Engineering recently published that the total gamification market will increase by more than 20 trillion dollars in 2025 compared to 2021. It is not surprising when you consider that gamification appears everywhere in our daily lives. For example, think of speedometers that show a smiley when you drive safely. But what is gamification? And why is it so popular? In this session Manon Beurskens explains how game mechanics work and what effect they have on our brain. She uses practical examples to show which goals you can use gamification for. And she teaches you how to work with game scientist Yu-Kai Chou's Octalysis Framework. After this session you will understand why gamification is a technique, not a game. And you can immediately put your first learnings into practice.

Over deze leqture:

Gamification wordt wereldwijd succesvol ingezet door bedrijven en overheden voor trainings- en marketingdoelen, om innovatie te stimuleren of gedrag te veranderen. Het Britse gamificationbureau Growth Engineering publiceerde onlangs dat de totale gamificationmarkt in 2025 met meer dan 20 biljoen dollar zal stijgen ten opzichte van 2021. Niet gek als je bedenkt dat gamification overal opduikt in ons dagelijks leven. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan snelheidsmeters die een smiley tonen als je veilig rijdt. Maar wat ís gamification? En waarom is het zo populair? In deze sessie legt Manon Beurskens uit hoe gamemechanieken werken en welk effect ze hebben op ons brein. Aan de hand van praktijkvoorbeelden laat ze zien voor welke doelen je gamification kunt inzetten. En leert ze je werken met het Octalysis Framework van gamewetenschapper Yu-Kai Chou. Na deze sessie snap je waarom gamification een techniek is, geen spelletje. En kun jij je eerste learnings direct in praktijk brengen.

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